The whole playstyle revolves around the precise use of Absolute Zero and Teleport, in order to unleash devastating icy explosions onto stacked enemies. This is an Area Damage (AD) build, since Frozen Orb s can and will proc it.
However, as its dedicated Delseres Magnum Opus ( DMO) Set comes with Slow Time restrictions, inherent clunkyness and underwhelming tankyness, Legacy of Dreams stayed the setup of choice as it is tankier, allows for more flexibility on top of enabling Reverse Archon and even Shi Mizu's Haori setups. In Season 22, Wizardspike got reworked and brought a new damage multiplier to Frozen Orb while the 4th Kanai's Cube Slot allowed the build to play Deathwish again. The last time LoD Frozen Orb did stand out was during Season 20 with the unrestricted Kanai's Cube from Forbidden Archives allowing players to incorporate at the same time Deathwish, Legacy Etched Sigil as well as Orb of Infinite Depth into the build in order to execute a specific channeling spellweaving playstyle. Very few builds incorporate the fantasy of a spellslinging Wizard as well as this one. It’s quick, impactful and the explosions are very satisfying when played correctly.
Frozen Orb is an iconic skill that instantly awakens deep feelings of nostalgia in every Diablo II player out there.